GenetICA-Network /// >>Microarray version<< /// RNAseq version /// Mouse version

© 2020 - Department of Medical Oncology, University Medical Center Groningen

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Supporting publication available at Nature Communications : Link to paper CITATION: Urzua-Traslavina CG, Leeuwenburgh VC, Bhattacharya A, Loipfinger S, van Vugt MATM, de Vries EGE, Fehrmann RSN. Improving gene function predictions using independent transcriptional components. Nat Commun. 2021 Mar 5;12(1):1464. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-21671-w. PMID: 33674610; PMCID: PMC7935959.

Predictions available for 19,635 genes.

Predictions are based on gene expression profiles of 106,462 sample.

These samples represent many tissue types, disease states, cellular contexts, experimental variation and therapeutic/chemical perturbations.

Gene set databaseNumber of gene sets included
Gene Ontology - Biological Process (MSigDB v6.2)4203
Gene Ontology - Molecular Function (MSigDB v6.2)843
Gene Ontology - Cellular Component (MSigDB v6.2)528
REACTOME (MSigDB v6.2)645
KEGG (MSigDB v6.2)185
BIOCARTA (MSigDB v6.2)210
Chemical and Genetic Perturbations (CGP MSigDB v6.2)2968
Transcription Factor Targets (TFT MSigDB v6.2)573
MicroRNA Targets (MIR MSigDB v6.2)205
Hallmark Gene Sets (MSigDB v6.2)50
Cancer Gene Neighborhoods (CGN MSigDB v6.2)427
Cancer Modules (CM MSigDB v6.2)427
Oncogenic Signatures (MSigDB v6.2)189
Immunologic Signatures (MSigDB v6.2)4872
Mammalian Phenotypes (MGI April 2018)4004
Human Phenotype Ontology (April 2018)3100

Precompiled version for the mac OS (11.1) of Analyertool 5 (to run first install QT version 5.15.1): link - README

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Support data for GenetICA-Network /// Microarray version

Readme explaining content of files: link

consensus independent component resultsDownload links
consensus independent components link
consensus mixing matrixlink
gene set definitionsDownload links
gene set definitions: Gene Ontology - Biological Process (MSigDB v6.2)link
gene set definitions: Gene Ontology - Molecular Function (MSigDB v6.2)link
gene set definitions: Gene Ontology - Cellular Component (MSigDB v6.2)link
gene set definitions: REACTOME (MSigDB v6.2)link
gene set definitions: KEGG (MSigDB v6.2)link
gene set definitions: BIOCARTA (MSigDB v6.2)link
gene set definitions: Chemical and Genetic Perturbations (CGP MSigDB v6.2)link
gene set definitions: Transcription Factor Targets (TFT MSigDB v6.2)link
gene set definitions: MicroRNA Targets (MIR MSigDB v6.2)link
gene set definitions: Hallmark Gene Sets (MSigDB v6.2)link
gene set definitions: Cancer Gene Neighborhoods (CGN MSigDB v6.2)link
gene set definitions: Cancer Modules (CM MSigDB v6.2)link
gene set definitions: Oncogenic Signatures (MSigDB v6.2)link
gene set definitions: Immunologic Signatures (MSigDB v6.2)link
gene set definitions: Mammalian Phenotypeslink
gene set definitions: Human Phenotype Ontologylink
prediction scores for all gene/gene set combinationDownload links
Oncogenic Signatureslink
MicroRNA Targetslink
Cancer Gene Neighborhoodslink
Cancer Moduleslink
Gene Ontology - Cellular Componentlink
Gene Ontology - Molecular Functionlink
Gene Ontology - Biological Processlink
Chemical and Genetic Pertubationslink
Transcription Factor Targetslink
Immunologic Signatureslink
Mammalian Phenotypeslink
Human Phenotype Ontologylink
mean vector of gene set members in consensus mixing matrixDownload links
Oncogenic Signatureslink
MicroRNA Targetslink
Cancer Gene Neighborhoodslink
Cancer Moduleslink
Gene Ontology - Cellular Componentlink
Gene Ontology - Molecular Functionlink
Gene Ontology - Biological Processlink
Chemical and Genetic Pertubationslink
Transcription Factor Targetslink
Immunologic Signatureslink
Mammalian Phenotypeslink
Human Phenotype Ontologylink